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Spatial random sampling - GNU R code snippet

### 2 Apr 2012 

### Writen by Alan B. Seo 


# Do stratified spatial random sampling on SpatialGrid 

# Associate with each point information from other environmental layers





baseraster.filename <- "/Users/alan/Dropbox/GIS/dem/haeandemfull.img"

baseraster <- raster(baseraster.filename)


baseraster.grid <- as(baseraster, 'SpatialGridDataFrame') # It must be converted into a SpatialGridDataFrame class



n <- 100

randomPoints <- spsample(baseraster.grid, n, type="random") # Sample n random points within the base raster



plot(randomPoints, add=T, col="red")


aspect <- terrain(baseraster, opt="aspect") # Calculate terrain characteristics,  slope, aspect, TPI, TRI, roughness, flowdir (see Details)



aspect <- extract(aspect, randomPoints) # Extract raster property

aspect.df <- data.frame(aspect)


rp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(randomPoints, aspect.df) # Combining the points with the extracted data



textxy(X=rp@coords[,1], Y=rp@coords[,2], labs=rp$aspect)